Camera management

Manage the cameras that belong to your Project

Creating / deleting / updating Deployments

To create, edit, or update a Deployment within your Project, click on the “Manage Camera” button on the sidebar on the left (the camera icon), find the camera in the camera list, and click “Add Deployment” to the right of it. Fill out the Add Deployment form and select a Start Date.

NOTE: the End Dates for Deployments are determined automatically. For example, if Deployment B starts after Deployment A, the End Date for Deployment A is the Start Date for Deployment B. If Deployment A is the most recent, an End Date will not be set as it’s considered a current and on-going Deployment.

Registering a wireless camera

To integrate a new wireless camera, you first need to pair, or "register" it with your Project. To do so, click on the “Manage Camera” button on the sidebar on the left (the camera icon), and on the bottom of the popup, type in the serial number of the camera, select the camera make, and click “Register Camera”. If a camera trap camera is already registered to different project, the registration attempt will fail and display an error.

NOTE: it's not necessary to register non-wireless, traditional, SD-card-based cameras (the images from which would be uploaded via the Bulk Upload feature).

Releasing a Camera

To release a Camera that you no longer wish to receive images from (for example, if you were transferring a camera to a different Project), click on the “Manage Camera” button on the sidebar on the left (the camera icon), find the camera in the camera list, and click “Release” to the right of it.

Last updated